Contract Act Notes

Contract Act Notes

Points Covered (Contract Act Notes)

ICA: - Privity of Contract

ICA Essential of Acceptance

ICA Sec. 37-67 When Contracts become Void which are Contingent on Happening of Specified Event within Fixed Time-Effect

ICA Sec. 17 Part-2

ICA Sec. 10-12 What Agreements are Contracts-Who are Competent to Contract

ICA Communication of Offer Necessary

ICA: - Acceptance must be absolute & made in reasonable manner

ICA Sec. 17 Part-1

ICA:- Standing, Open or Continuing Offer

ICA Cross Offers

ICA Modes of Revocation

ICA:- Sec. 28

ICA:- Void Agreements

ICA Nature of Agreement by Minor

ICA Sec. 23-30 What Considerations and Objects are Lawful, and What Not-Agreements by Way of Wager, Void

ICA Sec. 73-75 Compensation for Loss or Damage Caused by Breach of Contract-Party Rightfully Rescinding Contract, Entitl

ICA Sec. 26

ICA Sec. 1-9 Short title. Extent. Commencement. Saving-Promises, Express and Implied


ICA: - Sec.27

ICA Sec. 68-72 Claim for Necessaries Supplied to Person Incapable of Contracting, or on his Account-Liability of Person

ICA Sec. 31-36 Contingent Contract-Agreement Contingent on Impossible Events Void BA Notes

ICA: - Consideration

ICA:- Offer & Invitation to Treat Offer

ICA Coercion Part-1

ICA Section 24-25

ICA:- Intention to Create Legal Relationship

ICA Specific & General Offers

ICA Coercion Part-2

ICA Sec. 13-22 BA

ICA Return of Benefit By Minor

ICA Sec. 37-39 BA & MCQ

ICA When is Communication of Acceptance Complete

ICA: - Meaning and Effect of Acceptance

ICA: - 29

ICA: - Agreement without Consideration

ICA Revocation